Hi Half banana - Well they'll never forgive me for agreeing with Matt 6:14-15 and I refuse to repent
Anna Marina
JoinedPosts by Anna Marina
How Could We Have Been So Heartless?
by BluesBrother ini am addressing here those who, like me, spent decades in the organisation that we called “the truth”.
perhaps like me you were brought up in it from an early age.
looking back now i wonder that i could have been so heartless as to believe that the mass slaughter of billions of people was “good news”.
Anna Marina
Are You Starting To Feel Bad About Being A Racist??
by minimus inyou probably didn’t even realize you were a racist until you were enlightened by the “woke” group.
so do you feel the need to make amends and do the right thing??
Anna Marina
Genuine Christians cannot be racist.
However from experience at the hands of a corrupt media organisation, we know words such as this scripture below can be spun so that through an almost subliminal semantic shift the term 'Christ' gets replaced by GB.
Once the authority of Jesus Christ has been hijacked by the media org/false religion, all the words in scripture can be overridden by other books, magazines, videos, articles and new light.
(Colossians 3:9-11) . . .Strip off the old personality with its practices, 10 and clothe yourselves with the new [personality], which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it, 11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, foreigner, Scyth′i‧an, slave, freeman, but Christ is all things and in all.
The editors/GB will claim they are spirit directed. Therefore to submit to the media organisation is to submit to god. But not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Father of Jesus Christ.
That media organisation (it owns the platform) can by stealth (ie without upsetting the status quo too much), gradually change the scriptural values expressed by the First Born Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, into a set of procedures, which on the surface appear virtuous. But these procedures support a form of bullying which allows things like paedophilia (that is child sexual abuse), wife beating, adultery and other acts of cruelty and unfairness (inc racism) to go on.
The police have been very helpful at supporting some sets of Christian values. Watchtower publishers who have witnessed/experienced child sexual abuse have been able to turn to the police and get support.
With calls for police who support this and some other Christian values (such as don't steal) to be done away with, this support could be taken away and spun as a form of fighting racism.
How Could We Have Been So Heartless?
by BluesBrother ini am addressing here those who, like me, spent decades in the organisation that we called “the truth”.
perhaps like me you were brought up in it from an early age.
looking back now i wonder that i could have been so heartless as to believe that the mass slaughter of billions of people was “good news”.
Anna Marina
There a many different reasons (some good, some bad) why a person gets involved with the Watchtower. Also at a local level there were some decent elders, COs and DOs around, plus some very fine women. You could tell them by the way they acted.
(Galatians 5:22-23) . . .On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. . .
Many have now died or been thrown out or are being thrown out right now. But while they were there, some congregations had a strong Christian influence and I joined such a congregation.
Watchtower doctrine is a con-trick, a man-trap for Christians and I think it exists in order to destroy a peron's faith in the True God by craftily mixing scriptures with WT's bamboozling rubbish. If you don't know the Bible well enough to untangle the garbage from the Truth expressed by Jesus Christ, it is easy to get confused. Given Watchtower does this horrible and crafty con-trick, I don't think it's the person's fault if they get conned.
But once you understand it's a con, then you have to get out, fade or whatever you can (according to your circumstances). Ideally get out. But if you don't care that it's a con-trick and you go along with it, then you are showing contempt for your fellow man and contempt for God.
There is a horrible experiment where people administer an electric shock to another. The psychoanalysts measure the point someone will turn the dial up to to hurt their fellow man. Some are so heartless towards the other person (who is shown as suffering) they keep turning the dial up if told to. I guess any guilt they feel for making the other person suffer is off-loaded by thinking, "I have been told to do this."
Watchtower fulfills the role of giving the orders.
Contrariwise, Jesus Christ advises this course of action which if sounded down into a receptive heart would prevent someone from turning up the dial in the experiment and therefore render them useless to the Watchtower.
(Matthew 6:14-15) . . .“For if YOU forgive men their trespasses, YOUR heavenly Father will also forgive YOU; 15 whereas if YOU do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will YOUR Father forgive YOUR trespasses. . .
Have You Lost Any “Friends” Because Of Your Political Views?
by minimus ini have lost a couple of fb friends.
i have had conversations with many of my friends regarding politics and since we generally view politics in the same way, there is little dissension.
however i do have some friends that don’t see things properly, my way, and i still like them.🤗lol....i know of some families that have stopped talking to each other because of something as stupid as political differences..
Anna Marina
The blood issue - can be a good thing not to have a blood transfusion. Clinicians and judiciary say so - in some cases not having a blood transfusion is a no-brainer.
The problem with WT's stance on blood is that some poor soul is in a life or death situation, has a blood transfusion and then is at risk of being df'd for just trying to save their life.
Could these events be linked to hysteria? Haven't sat down and analysed it - just an idea. At 2014 Twickenhan convention I witnessed JW hysteria when the ones who had been sent to foreign lands came back and paraded round the pitch. There was a Mexican Wave and the crowd went bananas. I had never seen them do that before and I found it disturbing. But a crowd going bananas - what makes a crowd go bananas? The WT publishers were cheering people they perceived as virtuous heros. Quasi-saints who were related to them.
If if was the pope on the pitch and Catholics were going banans, WT publishers would say they were demon possessed.
Regarding blind guides, Jesus was speaking about the Pharisees - they claimed to be teachers.
(Matthew 15:14) . . .LET them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit. . .
Have You Lost Any “Friends” Because Of Your Political Views?
by minimus ini have lost a couple of fb friends.
i have had conversations with many of my friends regarding politics and since we generally view politics in the same way, there is little dissension.
however i do have some friends that don’t see things properly, my way, and i still like them.🤗lol....i know of some families that have stopped talking to each other because of something as stupid as political differences..
Anna Marina
Society is made up of relationships and they are based on communication and actions.
I've been experiencing some stuff, not on Facebook but in my face. Boy the hatred, boy the language and what am I being branded as? Dunno really, something like dirt or excrement or vermin. That's how I feel.
People in my area are not quite as brave as me to say 'no' to a bully, I'm not having nightmares but some of them are.
I've stood up to the WT and been thrown out for my view that the authority of the prophet Daniel is greater than Stephen Lett. I have been told the prophet Daniel is not a channel Jehovah is using today. And although they threw me out, I didn't feel they would do any physical damage to me.
But the bullying I am receiving from these others, is on a different level and its all to do with compass sides. I call it unreasonable behaviour. What that means is, you cannot reason with them.
Several I know have stopped watching trad news and media because they are so far away from reality. They are going the way of all Watchtowers.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
Scholar I'll leave you with your ideas. I misread your posts, I did not think you were being serious.
Anna Marina
ToesUp - we've all had an education - yes it cost but I think we've all learnt something valuable.
Anna Marina
Now its a go bag.
Or a 'I pushed off years ago and I ain't never coming back bag.'
They Are Going To Start Clamping Down With Staying At Home - Local Needs + GB Update #4
by thedepressedsoul inmany of us have watched the gb #4 update.
most of us jumped for joy when they basically said that there will be no meeting in person for a long time to come.. one aspect we overlooked was how hard they hit home the "love of neighbor".
how this "love" is what makes a true christian and as a result our love for our neighbors will motivate us to stay at home.. well now they released a letter that is instructing all kh's to view this video during their local needs part.
Anna Marina
Beth Sarim I can't like your comment enough - but if I could you'd have a zillion likes.
They Are Going To Start Clamping Down With Staying At Home - Local Needs + GB Update #4
by thedepressedsoul inmany of us have watched the gb #4 update.
most of us jumped for joy when they basically said that there will be no meeting in person for a long time to come.. one aspect we overlooked was how hard they hit home the "love of neighbor".
how this "love" is what makes a true christian and as a result our love for our neighbors will motivate us to stay at home.. well now they released a letter that is instructing all kh's to view this video during their local needs part.
Anna Marina
Yes I guess Star Chamber by Zoom if you make a personal choice to acknowledge their authority. I never attended the Star Chamber when they carried out their act of cruelty towards me (as Biahi says - an attempt to strip my of my dignity (failed) and defame me to those that knew me).
They were so cheesed I didn't attend their first Star Chamber they made no decision and held another one, which I also didn't attend. But before their silly event I turned up to tell them, yet one more time that their actions were contrary to Jehovah and they really ought to stop this bad behaviour immediately. So they didn't. Normal for them.
Guess what? They are reaping what they sowed, now they can turn on each other and they can't escape. Some of them are actually changing colour. They are going red.